FAIR Health Study Reveals Trends in Patient Care and Costs for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias

July 18, 2024

Under a grant awarded by Hopkins Economics of Alzheimer’s Disease & Services (HEADS) Center of the National Institute of Aging, FAIR Health, in collaboration with Academic Advisory Board Member Dr. Jevay Grooms of Howard University, has published a study, Healthcare Spending among Diverse Populations with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias: A Claims-Based Analysis. The report with research findings can be found here.

Leveraging the commercial healthcare data in FAIR Health’s NPIC® (National Private Insurance Claims) repository, the analysis builds on FAIR Health’s prior data analyses, which have provided unique insights into healthcare trends and patterns. Findings from the study contribute to understanding the myriad factors that influence healthcare utilization and spending for individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) and lay the groundwork for future studies and initiatives focused on ADRD treatment and services.

The study also builds on FAIR Health’s growing offerings in the sphere of ADRD. In response to the need for ADRD resources and information, FAIR Health, as part of a current initiative generously funded by The John A. Hartford Foundation (JAHF), has begun development of a new Alzheimer’s disease shared decision-making tool; toward that end, FAIR Health will pair its rich data collection evidencing the cost of medical procedures with a clinically certified decision aid. Planned for release in early 2025, the tool will educate families on care options and related costs, enabling them to plan ahead and, if needed, explore financial resources and assistance—prioritizing the well-being of patients and their support network while considering their financial health. Contextualizing educational content and resources also will be available for families affected by Alzheimer’s disease. The tool will complement the information in FAIR Health’s existing ADRD total treatment cost tool, which was developed under a prior planning grant also funded by JAHF.

FAIR Health President Robin Gelburd stated: “The insights generated from the study offer a window into healthcare utilization and spending among diverse populations of patients with ADRD. We hope these insights will lead to further examination of how multiple socioeconomic factors influence ADRD services.”

Dr. Grooms stated: “Our study underscores the need for further research regarding the economic aspects of ADRD-related care for a range of patient populations. Understanding how these factors influence ADRD services can help stakeholders across the healthcare spectrum develop new healthcare models for patients with ADRD.”

For the complete report, click here.