Custom Solutions

Custom Analytics

One size does not fit all. Beyond our standard FH® Benchmarks, the size and breadth of the FH NPIC® database make it possible to view and organize our data in countless ways to meet a wide array of business needs. Customized analytics can be created to your specifications.

Data Analytics to Support Business Strategy

The FAIR Health database, which is the foundation for our FH Benchmarks and other data products, also supports the creation of custom analytics and reports designed to client specifications. The flexibility and breadth of our data enable selection of the precise combination of data elements required to support your one-of-a-kind analyses.

Custom products can be developed to reflect reorganization and/or reaggregation of the underlying data. A sampling of FH Custom Analytics includes:

Learn more and speak to a FAIR Health representative today.

  • Data aggregations based on differing geographic regions: custom community, state and urban/rural configurations;
  • Charge and allowed benchmarks for specific procedure codes and ranges of codes as well as for alternative configurations of geographic regions, such as Metropolitan Statistical Areas, states and Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) regions. These can also include specific percentiles that are different from the standard set;
  • Services performed in specific settings for care (urgent care centers, emergency departments, home health, etc.), striated by year and by patient gender, age and diagnosis;
  • Aggregated patient journey analyses to help identify variations in care and diagnostic progression; and
  • Provider specialty differentiations.
Visit who we serve for examples of how our custom analytics can meet your needs.

Learn more and speak to a FAIR Health representative today.