COVID-19 Cost Tracker
To illuminate the typical total costs associated with COVID-19 treatment protocols, FAIR Health developed the interactive cost maps below using data from the FH® Total Treatment Cost COVID-19 benchmarks. This feature offers two views:

State-by-State Profiles: Provide state-specific infographics displaying the median and average charge amount and estimated allowed amounts for three COVID-19 treatment pathways.

National Heat Maps: Provide the median and average charge amount and estimated allowed amount, as well as ranges, for a single COVID-19 treatment pathway by state.
The three different COVID-19 treatment protocols tracked in these maps are:
- COVID-19 Complex Inpatient: Captures the typical total costs for the most serious cases of COVID-19, in which a patient is admitted to the hospital and requires ventilation or admission to the intensive care unit (ICU). This pathway includes costs for a hospitalized patient who requires more complicated care, such as ICU costs, ventilator costs and costs for room and board of increased complexity.
- COVID-19 Noncomplex Inpatient: Captures the typical total costs for a COVID-19 patient who is admitted to the hospital but does not require ventilation or admission to the ICU. Costs in this pathway include room and board, laboratory testing, imaging and IV therapies.
- COVID-19 Outpatient: Captures the typical total costs for a patient who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 but does not require hospitalization. Costs might include laboratory testing and physician or urgent care visits.
For each pathway, the median and average charge amount and estimated allowed amount are given:
- Median: The midpoint of the distribution of values below and above which there is an equal number of values.
- Average: The value computed by dividing the sum of all the values by the number of values.
- Charge amount: The amount charged to a patient who is uninsured or obtaining an out-of-network service.
- Estimated allowed amount: The estimated total fee negotiated between an insurance plan and a provider for an in-network service. Includes both the portion to be paid by the plan member and the portion to be paid by the plan.